Job Readiness

At Think Big for Kids we strive to ensure students enrolled in our Program have the skills to be successful at their first job. Check out the videos below created by our partner companies to help students build the skills needed to apply for and land their first job and be great employees once they are in the workforce.

Select a Job Readiness Skill

Essential Soft Skills

Job Searching

Workplace Etiquette

Essential Soft Skills

Soft Skills are skills that enable you to fit into a workplace. They are a combination for people skills, social skills, communication skills, character traits, attitudes, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence. Soft Skills are essential to being successful in the workplace.

Goal Setting with ReliaQuest

Personal Brand with Nielsen

Teamwork with A-LIGN

Goal Setting with DPR

Project Manager Goal Setting with DPR

Teamwork with Roger West

Job Searching

Searching for a Job requires a specific set of knowledge and skills. It includes knowing what the right job is to apply for, creating a resume, interviewing and much more. Having the right knowledge and skills when searching for a job can help increase your chances of finding and landing your dream job.

Passion & Strengths with NextPath CP

Applying to Jobs with
NextPath CP

Social Media with NextPath CP

Resumes & Cover Letters with NextPath CP

Interviewing with NextPath CP

Networking with NextPath CP

High Demand Jobs in Construction with NextPath

Workplace Etiquette

Workplace etiquette refers to a code of conduct you should follow while at work. Knowing the proper workplace etiquette helps you know what to expect at your job, perform better and ultimately move up in an organization.

Professionalism with
NextPath CP

How to Be a Good Employee & Ask for Raise with NextPath CP

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We also have corporate sponsorship opportunities and high-level donor programs to become a Strategic Partner of Think Big. Please email directly for more information. Thanks for your Support!