Mark Kuehn

Advisory Board Member

Mark Kuehn

Mark Kuehn is a Principal Consultant* with The DAK Group, M&A and Strategic Leadership Advisors, a Business Development Consultant with the Gibbons Law Firm and Founding Chairman of ACG NJ (Assoc. for Corp. Growth, NJ Chapter). Mark has advised numerous businesses and business owners on corporate, M&A and other transactional matters. He draws upon a wealth of hands-on business ownership, management and financial advisory experience in addition to his many years of legal practice in which he concentrated on corporate representation, business transactions and mergers & acquisitions, having served in private practice as well as providing in-house counsel functions for several companies. In his sixteen years in the business sector, Mark participated in founding, purchasing, turning-around, selling and consulting for businesses in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, distribution, retail technology and services. As co-founder and president of NJ-based General Messenger Service in 1984, Mark helped bring the company from start-up to a multi-million dollar business.

Mark headed NY-based M&A consulting firm, America’s First Capital Corp., where he provided middle-market financial advisory services, working with numerous business owner/sellers and strategic and financial buyers in planning, strategizing and implementing business purchases, sales and mergers. Recognizing the need for a forum for New Jersey-based professionals, investors, business owners and executives involved in M&A, Mark, in 2003, founded the New Jersey Chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth listed as one of “the most important networking groups in New Jersey” in the NJBIZ “George Taber’s 2004-2005 Guide To Financing & Growing Your Business in New Jersey”. He presently serves the Chapter as its Founding Chairman and has also served on the Board of Directors of ACG New York.

*through MSKUEHN Business Consulting, LLC.