Dana Fallon
Advisory Board Member

Ms. Fallon’s entire career revolves around higher education. After earning a B.A. degree in Psychology, with a minor in Business Management from Gannon University, she earned a Master of Education in Higher Education from Kent State University and Juris Doctor from George Mason University School of Law. Combining her two degrees, Dana worked as a practicing attorney in Virginia, representing institutions of higher education, but currently holds the position of Director, Business Engagement and Career Services at Northern Virginia Community College.
While at Kent State University she worked in Residence Life and student activities and continued as an Assistant Director of Residence Life at Marymount University. During her working at George Mason University School of Law, she had roles as the Director of Alumni Relations and Associate Registrar. She was also a partner at the law firm of Gombos & Leyton and primarily represented clients regarding compliance matters with the U.S. Department of Education, state education and accrediting agencies, as well as for mergers and acquisitions.
Dana is a member of the Gannon University Board of Trustees and the Vice Chair of the Academic and Student Experience Committee. At NOVA, she is involved in various College committees, including Government Affairs and Community Relations and is the Co-Chair of the College Staff Forum Council.