Big Thoughts

Chips for Charity 2023

Thanks to everyone who attended the True North Society Chips for Charity fundraiser on November 17, 2023, at the J.C. Newman Cigar Factory in Tampa!  It was an incredible evening of gambling, bidding and raising money for our scholarship program. A huge thank you to the event sponsors and raffle donors whose support was vital to the success of this event. Special recognition goes to our Platinum Sponsors, Crown Automotive Charities and ReliaQuest, as well as our Gold Sponsors, Florida Funders, Murphy Auto Group, and Stonemont Financial for their generosity!

Think Big for Kids and True North Society are thrilled to share that we raised proceeds of approximately $70,000 to go directly towards our Think Big for Kids True North Passion Scholarship! We will now have the ability to scholarship even more kids, changing their future career paths.  True North Events Committee and Board member, Marla Carangi, shared her excitement about the event, “Chips for Charity was the first annual event and certainly won’t be the last. This is an event we are excited to continue to have year after year — striving to constantly make it bigger and better!  Everyone had a ton of fun for a great cause. Not only did we raise money to go directly towards our passion scholarship, we also enrolled new mentors into the program.”


Get involved with True North and attend our events throughout the year. We get together three to four times a year to network and socialize with like-minded young professionals at different venues around Tampa Bay. By joining True North, you will also learn all the ways you can volunteer with Think Big for Kids, including mentoring, career showcases, skill building workshops, field trips and more.  After the Chips for Charity event, Saxon Baum, True North co-chair, shared, “Chips for Charity 2023 proved that there is a massive want and need in Tampa for this fantastic young professional group, The True North Society. I could not be more proud of the group and the board that put on the event. This will be the first of an annual event that will continue to grow and get bigger!” Fill out this interest form to learn more and get involved.

Check out the photos from our event! Thanks again for coming out to the event and having an amazing time supporting True North and Think Big.



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